Our NEU Professionals team have united today to express our support and solidarity to all our incredible international colleagues, nurses and health professionals, across the UK at this very difficult time.

The riots, civil unrest and racism that is currently taking place in the UK, have been orchestrated by a very small minority, who contradict the values that we as British Citizens (and many of us NHS Nurses) hold dear, of mutual respect, compassion and celebration of diversity.

Over 200 nationalities are proudly represented within the NHS workforce, reflective of the multiculturalism within UK society, and this mix of heritages, religions, cultures and languages is part of what makes the UK such a vibrant, hopeful and beautiful place to live and work.

We wholeheartedly condemn any attitude of racism, hatred or discrimination. For those of you who are concerned, frightened or worried about how this could affect you or your family, we would like to reassure you that support is available. We are organising an online support session, in conjunction with some of our colleagues from diaspora networks. This will be a chance to ask questions and learn about opportunities for support.

We know our NHS Trust leaders and managers are committed to building communities of care, support, dignity and respect for diversity and we want to finish by sharing a few pictures celebrating the incredible people who make up our NHS workforce and thank you all for your trust in both NHS and NEU Professionals. Once again, we are here for you every step of the way and offer our deepest respect and solidarity.

Thank you.