Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC) provides core community health services for the 1.1 million people of Birmingham and also a range of specialist rehabilitation and dental services for the 6.5 million people across the wider West Midlands region.

BCHC team is focused on delivering safe, high quality care, working across a range of locations including people’s own homes, community clinics and hospital settings

BCHC delivers more than 100 different NHS services for people of all ages – from birth through childhood and adult life to older years.

Best care: Healthy Communities

BCHC exists to provide the Best Care possible to support the people who use their services, many of whom are among the most vulnerable in the society, to live well in Healthy Communities.

They have also worked with their colleagues to establish their shared values – those values that will guide all their actions and underpin their behaviours as they seek to deliver their vision.


Strategic Objectives

Birmingham Community NHS Foundation Trust strategic objectives set their direction of travel up to 2028 in achieving their vision.

Setting out what matters most to us as a community healthcare provider and equipping us to meet the needs of all the communities we serve.


Current Vacancies

There are currently no vacancies.