Registering as a Midwife in New Zealand

If you are a midwife and you are looking for a new career development opportunity in New Zealand, you will first have to register with the Midwifery Council of New Zealand. Fees must be paid by returning a cheque with your completed practising certificate form or, by providing your credit card details on your completed application form.

Once you are succesfully registered, you will have to demonstrate that you are able and competent to practice in order to obtain an APC or Annual Practising Certificate to be able to proceed. Learn more about how to apply for an APC.

Overseas Registration

If you happen to be registered overseas, The Midwifery Council of New Zealand will asses your practising status according to their policy. To register as a midwife in New Zealand applicants must meet the following criteria:

Fitness for registration

  1. Ability to communicate effectively for the purposes of practising midwifery.
  2. Ability to communicate effectively in written and spoken English for the purposes of practising midwifery.
  3. No convictions which reflect adversely on practice as a midwife.
  4. No physical or mental health condition which adversely affects the ability to perform the functions of a midwife.
  5. The applicant is not subject to professional disciplinary proceedings or under a disciplinary investigation or subject to any professional disciplinary order which reflects adversely on fitness to practise as a midwife.
  6. Applicant is of good character.

Qualifications for registration

  1. Completion of a suitable education programme in midwifery

  2. Current midwifery practice experience (internationally qualified applicants).

  3. A pass in the New Zealand National Midwifery Examination (New Zealand students).

Competence to practise within the Midwifery Scope of Practice

  1. Ability to meet the Competencies for Entry to the Register of Midwives.

Having received the required documents and if your application is successful, applicants from Western Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom should allow around 2 months for the process to be completed. Applicants from other countries should allow around 3 months.

Australian Registration

If you are a midwife registered in all Australian states (exceot western Australia) you can apply to the Midwifery Council of New Zealand for registration under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (TTMR) Act 1997.

Midwives from Western Australia will have to complete an application as an overseas midwife.