Learn about the many events, interview opportunities and international recruitment news that NEU Professionals candidates need to know about. We will also share success stories from candidates, photo updates from candidates arriving and thriving at their new jobs and more!
Introducing IR Academy: Courses for Health and Care Professionals created by real NHS Nurses
IR Academy: Courses for Health and Care Professionals created by real NHS Nurses NEU PROFESSIONALS INTRODUCES IR ACADEMY - A COURSE PROVIDER LOOKING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Struggling to find the right [...]
NEU and NELFT: Winners of “Best International Recruitment Experience” at The Nursing Times Workforce Awards 2024
NEU and NELFT: Winners of "Best International Recruitment Experience" at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards 2024 NEU PROFESSIONALS WINS PRESTIGIOUS AWARD FOR ‘BEST INTERNATIONAL RECRUITMENT EXPERIENCE’ NEU [...]
From Sri Lanka to the UK: Sugandika’s Journey to a Fulfilling Nursing Career in the UK
From Sri Lanka to the UK Sugandika's Journey to a Fulfilling Nursing Career in the UK Sugandika bravely relocated to the UK with us in November 2022. With a wealth of nursing experience [...]
NEU Professionals finalist along side NELFT for “Best International Recruitment Experience”
Congratulations to NEU Professionals International Healthcare Recruitment Agency for being nominated for the third year in a row, and the second year in a row with North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT), for the "Best International Recruitment Experience" at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards 2024! This consistent recognition is a testament to NEU's outstanding commitment to excellence in international recruitment. Wishing the team continued success and best of luck at the awards!
Support and solidarity to all our incredible international colleagues
Our NEU Professionals team have united today to express our support and solidarity to all our incredible international colleagues, nurses and health professionals, across the UK at this very difficult time. We wholeheartedly condemn any attitude of racism, hatred or discrimination. For those of you who are concerned, frightened or worried about how this could affect you or your family, we would like to reassure you that support is available. We are organising an online support session tomorrow, in conjunction with some of our colleagues from diaspora networks. This will be a chance to ask questions and learn about opportunities for support.
HealthX Australia Q&A Session
Join us on Thursday, 22nd August at 9pm UK time to find out about all the exciting career opportunities available in Australia for Nurses with experience in Aged Care, with HealthX Australia.
Register with us BPP students
Learn about opportunities for current and former BPP Students to continue living in the UK as Health and Care Professionals. BPP will work directly with NEU Professionals to create a custom recruitment and support pathway.
Working in Australia as a Healthcare Professional
If you are a Social Worker looking to progress your career and relocate to the U.K. we have the perfect Webinar for you. Join us on this free webinar to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to start the process of registering as a Social Worker in the U.K. and how NEU Professionals can guide you through this exciting career development journey. NEU Professionals Director, Kerry Anne Wykes, and NEU Project Manager, Sandra González García will be LIVE on Microsoft Teams on Thursday 23rd May at 14:30 pm UK time to discuss what it is like to work as a Social Worker in the U.K., the requirements needed to apply, current job opportunities and the benefits of growing your career in the UK. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask any questions and interact with other Social Workers to share your experiences.
DO IT Programme Relearn Edition
We would like to reassure you that we are continuing the recruitment of international nurses into 2024 (and beyond!) in partnership with our prestigious NHS Trusts. The NHS has noted the importance of increasing ethical international recruitment and expanding into new countries. We are also committed to working with our NHS trusts to ensure you receive the best possible care and support during the recruitment process and after you arrive in the UK!
London Conference
At the conference, you will have the great opportunity to connect with NHS recruitment representatives who will share valuable information about jobs, the types of roles available, and the qualifications and requirements needed to apply. You will also learn about the relocation process and get tips on how to settle into your new life in England. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn about the possibilities that await you at the NHS.